Privacy Policy

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Use of your personal information

We generally use the personal information (email address and telephone number) for business purposes, to send you information regarding your order or send you emails of our new launch of products, notifying you about special offers, product updates and guiding you about product information. By not filling all the necessary details, we will remove your name from our subscriber details and you will no longer receive notifications from us.

Protection of your information

House of Kaarigari makes sure that your personal information is not leaked to any other person. The security of your personal information is our priority. Whenever you enter sensitive information such as (your card details, CVV number, expiry date) while checking out, we make sure that no one else will be able to access your information. Even we do not save your personal information after your transaction is complete.

Billing and customer support

We welcome all inquiries and queries enclosing the following methods:
Email Id:-
Telephone No.:- (+91)8375944104